Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Never Ending Cat War Part 1

     We live with my Grand Parents and they have Big cat, but sadly our cat, Little cat harasses him majorly and so this story is about our jerky cats. Big cat is the nicest out of all of them, Little cat is ours and she is nice to humans but terrible to other cats. Fluffy cat is my cat and we have a love/hate relationship, she scratches me at least once a day, but she is so darn adorable! So you'll just have an urge to pet her but NOOOOOOOO, try petting her stomach and she will try to rip your hand off.

Sometimes we feel as if Big cat is larger than he really is, so lets make him a dinosaur.

So imagine a normal 10 pound house cat attacking and trying to kill a dinosaur.

We got some calm-down hormonal spray. Other people have said it did a very good job for them, but it did nothing for us. (Ps, Little cat never made Big cat bleed, although she tries.)

                                             The harassments continue:




Alright so the hormonal spray didn't work, so we got the Thunder Shirt. But Little cat only would roll around on the floor until she figured out how to take it off.

But when she takes it off the harassments still continued. Finally we tried some Nervousness~Fear juice-ish thing, where you try to put it down their throat.

But every morning we would have to clean up cat puke.

That didn't work so we just resorted to just keeping her in the upstairs bedroom. She gets EXTREMLY bored a lot! So we one day just got out the toys and put them in kitty-fort-topia.


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